The first historical records of Mikulov date back to 1173. For many centuries, Mikulov was the seat of powerful noble families – the Liechtenstein and Dietrichstein families. They made Mikulov an important spiritual center, a center of Moravian Jews and a city promised to the Baptists (Habans). Mikulov achieved the greatest importance at the beginning of the 17th century during the era of František Cardinal Dietrichstein.

Mikulov and its surroundings are also traditional wine-growing centers.

The town offers an ideal combination of attractive services for conferences, presentations, corporate and social events. In fact, the high level of hospitality services make Mikulov one of the most popular conference venues in South Moravia.

A natural attraction in Mikulov is the Turold Cave with its unique “Turold-style” decorations. A hiking trail through this nature reserve provides background on geology, mineralogy and the life of the eight species of bats that inhabit the caves.

The Holy Hill offers a beautiful view of the city. Due to the abundance of protected and rare plant and animal species, this territory has been declared a nature reserve. You will be guided by the Stations of the Cross from the top of Svatý Hill up to the Saint Sebastian Chapel, the belfry and the Holy Sepulchre.

Another site to see in Mikulov is Kozí Hrádek, a former two-story artillery tower with a gallery. The site offers a freely accessible relaxation center.


The town’s main landmark is the Baroque chateau, today the seat of the Regional Museum in Mikulov, where you will find many interesting exhibitions. Visit the permanent wine exhibition, Wine across the Centuries, where you will learn about the history of traditional viticulture and details of vine growing, among other things. In the chateau cellar, you’ll find a remarkable giant barrel with an impressive volume of 101,400 liters.

The historic center of Mikulov is an urban conservation area. Also worth mentioning are the canonical houses, the town hall, the fountain with the statue of Pomona and the Baroque triple column – the sculpture of the Holy Trinity. On the square you will see the Renaissance sgraffito house U rytířů and the Dietrichstein tomb – the original Church of Saint Anne of 1623, later rebuilt into a family tomb, which now houses 45 coffins of the Dietrichstein family.

There are also important Jewish monuments in town. Mikulov was a key center of Jewish culture in the Middle Ages. Get acquainted with Jewish history by walking along the Educational Trail (Naučná stezka) through the Jewish Quarter (today's Husova Street), which features a synagogue, a micro-ritual bath and a unique Jewish cemetery with over 4,000 standing tombstones.



Culture and entertainment

Mikulov je město s velmi živým kulturním životem. V průběhu roku zde probíhají např. tyto významné akce: Vítání jara současně s Velikonočním jarkem, Den Země, Dny židovské kultury, filmový festival Jeden svět, Jazzový večer, Kytarový festival, Mikulovské výtvarné sympozium „dílna“, festival Národů Podyjí s kulinářskými specialitami, hudební festival Eurotrialog, festival pěveckých sborů Kampanila a mnohé další kulturní akce spojené s folklorem a vínem. Nejvýznamnější akcí na Mikulovsku je tradiční Pálavské vinobraní, které přiláká každoročně několik desítek tisíc turistů. Probíhá vždy druhý víkend v září a nabízí pestrý program pro všechny věkové kategorie. Kulturní rok bývá zakončen Vánocemi pod radnicí s řemeslnou tržnicí. Přesné informace o kulturním dění naleznete v kulturním kalendáři umístěném na:


Mikulov and its surroundings belong to traditional wine-growing centers. The climate, soil diversity and variety of localities of the Mikulov wine-growing sub-region with the limestone slopes of Pálava influence the unmistakable character of the local wines. White varieties such as Rieslings (Ryzlink vlašský & Ryzlink rýnský) and Pinot Gris thrive here. Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc or Grüner Veltliner are also standouts. If you are a fan of a healthy lifestyle, you will relish the opportunity to combine wine tasting with exploring the beautiful countryside around Pálava. When in Mikulov, be sure to visit one of the local cellars, where winemakers will be happy to help you understand the local wines, including how to drink or store them. However, you can only truly attain this knowledge by sampling the different varieties!

A Tip from Bona Terra:

Mikulov can be enjoyed in so many ways! Whether you decide to visit the chateau, the Jewish cemetery, the synagogue, the tomb or climb the Holy Hill, do not forget to soak up the unique atmosphere and savor Mikulov in a different way, too. Many stylish cafes, bistros, restaurants, and shops have blossomed in town over the past few years … In the center, you will find, just to name a few: Bistro Drogérka, Bistro Kuk, Bistro Sýrárna Klimeš, (Ne)Vinná Café and delicious Italian ice cream in the square…. We highly recommend raspberry or mango sorbet.